8 Best Homeopathy Treatments For Psoriasis


Are you struggling with psoriasis? Is your skin condition causing you to be self-conscious? Don’t worry. We have listed the homeopathic treatments for psoriasis in this article.

Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes red, itchy, and scaly patches on the skin. It is a chronic condition and cannot be cured. However, homeopathic medicines may help manage the flare-ups. Scroll down to learn more.

In This Article

Psoriasis – A Brief


Psoriasis is a relatively common skin condition. Its prevalence varies from 0 to 11.8 % among different populations. Approximately three percent of people in the United States and up to 2.8 percent in India deal with this condition that causes the skin to inflame, thicken and get a scaly appearance (1).

People suffering from psoriasis are often embarrassed by their skin condition besides being plagued by a variety of symptoms, such as pain, itching, cracked, broken skin, painful and inflamed joints, and blisters filled with pus. These symptoms can lead the person to turn into a recluse, shun social gatherings, get depressed and even have suicidal thoughts (2).

Stylecraze Says Although psoriasis can appear at any age, it can most commonly first manifest between the ages of 15 and 20, with a second peak emerging between the ages of 55 and 60 (5).

Conventional Treatment For Psoriasis


Psoriasis can affect the face, scalp, chest, elbows, fingernails, genitals, toenails, knees, soles, lower back, and legs. Since it is an autoimmune disorder, only the symptoms can be treated and not the disease itself.

Conventional medicine uses a combination of exercise and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). However, as the disease progresses, the potency of the medications also increases. It is not unheard of for psoriasis patients to be prescribed corticosteroids and anti-malarial medications. This can result in a lot of undesirable and unpleasant side effects (3). That is why more and more people are turning towards homeopathy to treat psoriasis.

Stylecraze Says In order to determine the severity of a psoriasis condition and the right treatment to administer, your health care provider may use the Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) tool (5).

Psoriasis Treatment In Homeopathy


Homeopathy has been able to successfully treat many diseases and conditions that conventional medicine has not been able to. One such condition is psoriasis. There are several homeopathic medicines that can easily bring relief to patients with this condition and with regular use, their skin can clear up and not show a trace of the lesions or scaliness.

Homeopathy adopts a holistic view when treating patients, and that is why there are several remedies. Some of the homeopathic treatments for psoriasis are as follows:

Related: Coconut Oil For Psoriasis: How Does It Work?

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