Best Skin Care Routine For Dry Skin – Daily Skin Care Routine To Follow At Home


Dry skin struggles with maintaining skin hydration levels. And that is why designing the ultimate skincare routine for dry skin with the best products is important. For example, the daytime skincare routine for dry skin should focus on hydration and protection, while the nighttime skin care routine should emphasize hydration, repair, and nourishment. This article will guide you through the step-by-step process of caring for dry skin and help you learn skincare mistakes to avoid. Keep reading to learn more.

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Daily Skin Care Routine To Pamper And Maintain Dry Skin

Irrespective of skin type, everyone should have a proper daytime and nighttime skincare routine. Yes. You need a personalized skin care routine depending on your skin type. Below, we have given a detailed guide to get you started with your skin care routine for dry skin, along with product recommendations.

Morning Skin Care Routine For Dry Skin


Following a morning skincare routine before stepping out of the house prepares your skin to fight pollution, UV rays, dust, and other damage-causing environmental effects. Follow these steps to prep your skin:

Step 1: Cleanse Your Face

This is the first thing you need to do after you wake up in the morning. If you have dry skin, you need to use a mild, gentle, and hydrating face wash.

Step 2: Apply Serum

Since you will be stepping out and your skin needs to be protected from environmental factors, you need to apply a serum. Serums contain a high concentration of antioxidants that prevent damage caused by harmful free radicals(1), (2).

Step 3: Moisturize Your Face


Immediately after washing your face, massage it with a moisturizer. This is the most crucial step in caring for dry skin. Always apply moisturizer within 3 minutes of washing your face and on damp skin. This helps your skin stay hydrated throughout the day. Pick a hydrating moisturizer that does not contain any irritants. Go for a product that contains hydrating ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, ceramides, glycerine, and B vitamins (3), (4), (2).

Step 4: Sun Protection

Once you have moisturized your skin, it is time to layer it with sun protection. You must never miss this step. Sun protection is crucial for preventing UV damage and keeping your skin healthy (5). When picking a product, always go for something that has at least SPF 30. Also, sun protection should never stop with just applying sunscreen. Try to avoid sun exposure and seek shade as much as possible. Also, try to cover up properly and wear sunglasses.

This is a basic skincare routine that everyone with dry skin should follow. Once you have followed all these steps, you may go ahead and apply foundation or any other base makeup that you want before stepping out. When you get back home in the evening, it is time for your nighttime skincare routine.

Related: Daily Skin Care Routine For Oily Skin: Dos And Dont’sStylecraze SaysDo not forget to include lip care in your skincare routine. Use a gentle, fragrance-free lip balm to keep your lips moist and supple.

Night Skin Care Routine For Dry Skin


Once the sun goes down and you are back home, it is time to wash off all the tiredness from your skin and repair the damage. Follow these steps to care for your dry skin at night:

Step 1: Remove The Dirt And Makeup

Taking off your makeup is essential before you start your night-time routine. You may use an oil-based cleanser or a cleansing oil to remove your makeup. This helps thoroughly dissolve the makeup and also replenishes your dry skin before you wash it (6).

Step 2: Cleanse Your Face

Once you remove your makeup, you need to wash your face. Use a gentle water-based cleanser to wash your face and remove all traces of dirt.

Step 3: Exfoliate Your Skin

Do this step no more than twice a week. Exfoliating or scrubbing helps get rid of dead skin cells and makes your skin smooth and soft (7). Always use a moisturizing face scrub or exfoliator to clean your face.

Step 4: Hydrate Your Skin With Facial Mist

Avoid using astringent lotions. Instead, use a toning mist on your face. Mists help keep your skin hydrated and prepare it to absorb other skin care products (8).

Step 5: Apply Hydrating Serum


Serums contain a high concentration of active ingredients that replenish your skin and keep it healthy. If you have dry skin, you may try serums with hyaluronic acid and vitamin E. They will refresh your skin and keep it soft (9). You may use the serums mentioned under the daytime skin care routine.

Related: 11 Amazing Benefits Of Using Night Creams

Step 6: Apply Night Cream Or Sleep Mask

A good-quality moisturizing night cream can help repair and help your skin recover while you sleep. You need to choose a night cream based on your preferences – anti-aging, anti-pigmentation, or other requirements.

Apart from following a proper skin care routine, here are a few things that you need to avoid doing. Take a look.

Did You Know?Ample fluid intake and consuming fruits with high water content, like watermelons and cucumbers, ensure deep skin hydration (11).

Skin Care Mistakes To Avoid If You Have Dry Skin


1. Cleansing Your Face Too Often

Cleansing your face too often strips away all the moisture from your skin. Wash your face just twice a day with a cleanser. If you feel the need to wash your face multiple times a day, simply splash plain water on it.

2. Using A Harsh Cleanser

Not all cleansers are suitable for all skin types. Stop picking just any random cleanser from the shelf based on how it smells or its texture. Get the right cleanser for your skin type. Otherwise, it may dry out your skin.

3. Not Exfoliating Your Skin

You need to get rid of the dead skin cells on your face. Otherwise, the cells will accumulate on your skin, making it look dull, dry, and flaky. Hence, stop avoiding the scrub. Apply it gently and avoid aggressive rubbing.

4. Wearing Matte Makeup

Even if you follow a strict skin care routine, the wrong makeup can make your skin look dry, patchy, and cakey. Avoid using matte makeup if you have dry skin. Pick liquid products that create a dewy finish.

Related: How To Apply Liquid Foundation With Brush, Sponge, And Fingers

5. Spending Long Hours In A Dry Environment

If you spend a lot of time in an air-conditioned room, this point is for you. We know sometimes it is unavoidable, especially at your workplace. To combat this, carry a facial mist and spray it on your face from time to time (8).

Infographic: A Simple Skincare Guide For Dry Skin

Factors like climate and the products you use can have an impact on your skin’s hydration level. Therefore, it is vital to craft a skincare routine that protects, nourishes, and rejuvenates your skin. To help you out, we have created a simple skincare guide to help you combat your dry skin. Check out the infographic below to know more!

All types of skin benefit from following a daily skin care routine in the long run. However, keep in mind that witnessing the results of a new skin care routine may take some time. So, while you are sticking to your daily routine, remain patient.

One of the most common problems that people with dry skin face is the inability to retain moisture in their skin. Following the methods listed above will retain moisture and keep your skin nourished and healthy. It is also a good idea to see a dermatologist to figure out how to treat your dry skin properly.

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