13 Tips And Remedies To Prevent Acne And Pimples Naturally


Acne and pimples are not easy to deal with, and no one prefers to go through that ordeal. So, is not it better we prevent them? But how to prevent pimples and acne? Several factors cause them, and you need to follow a systematic skin care routine to prevent acne and pimples. Can home remedies prevent acne and pimples? Let us find out here. This article discusses the causes of pimples and acne and different remedies that help you prevent them. Keep reading to know more!

In This Article

Why Do We Get Pimples?

According to the dictionary, a pimple is an inflamed spot on your skin. A pimple is a type of acne that can occur at any age and at any time.

Before you try to treat it, you need to understand why you get pimples or acne. Mentioned below are the factors responsible for this condition:

  • Clogged Pores: When the pores or sebaceous glands are blocked, they cannot release sebum (an oily substance that keeps your skin moisturized). A build-up of oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria in the area causes acne or a pimple.
  • Genetics: If there is a history of acne in your family, it is likely that you will have it too. Your genes determine how sensitive your skin is to hormonal fluctuation, how quickly it sheds its cells, how much sebum it produces, and how it responds to inflammation. All these factors determine how readily you develop pimples.
  • Hormones: Your estrogen and testosterone levels are directly related to pimples. That’s why you most often get pimples during puberty and pregnancy and when you are menstruating.
  • Stress: Studies show that stress aggravates acne (1), (2). The sebaceous glands contain the receptors for stress hormones. When you are stressed, the hormones increase the sebum production in your skin and cause acne.
  • Depression: Depression is linked to acne and vice versa. Studies have found that acne is linked to an increased risk of depression (3), (4).
  • Smoking: The relationship between smoking and acne is unclear. Clinical studies have found that smoking is an important contributory factor to the prevalence and severity of acne (5). Smoking often reduces oxygen flow to the skin cells, disrupts hormonal balance, and slows down the healing process.
  • Alcohol Consumption: Although alcohol does not cause acne, it affects the levels of the hormones that regulate acne. A study found that alcohol could increase testosterone levels in women. It also shoots up estradiol (a form of estrogen) levels in women (6).
  • Diet: Although the relationship between diet and acne is debatable, specific foods (such as processed and sugary foods) can make your condition worse while other foods (such as seafood and veggies) can make it better.

Whether hormonal issues or genetic factors triggered your pimples or acne, a dermatologist can help diagnose and treat the root cause. In case the pimples are caused by lifestyle issues or any other factors (other than genetics and hormonal conditions), there are ways to manage them. Here are a few tips you can follow.

How To Prevent Pimples And Acne

1. Wash Your Face Properly


Thorough cleansing is the backbone of any skin care routine. Use a mild and non-comedogenic cleanser to clean your face twice daily – once in the morning and once before going to bed. Cleanse your face if you sweat heavily. However, avoid washing it just because it feels oily. Use a blotting paper to remove the oil from your skin. Also, use warm water while washing to open up the pores.

Related: What Are The Benefits Of Washing Your Face With Cold Water?

2. Know Your Skin Type


This is important as it will help you choose the right skin care products for your skin type. Products that are suitable for oily skin are not ideal for dry skin. Oily skin is the most prone to pimples because the sebaceous glands are overactive and produce a lot of sebum. Combination skin is also prone to pimples on the T-zone.

3. Keep Your Skin Moisturized


Moisturizing your skin is essential for pimple prevention. However, avoid moisturizers that contain chemicals and synthetic fragrances. Always go for non-comedogenic moisturizers so that your skin does not feel dry after every wash.

Related: 10 Effective Ways To Moisturize Your Skin Naturally

4. Use Acne Medication

There are over-the-counter medications available in drugstores that you can use to treat acne and pimples. Consult a dermatologist before taking any medicines. Also, make sure you follow the instructions properly.

Stylecraze Says It is crucial to begin acne medication and treatment as early as possible. Delay might lead to scarring.

5. Drink Water (A Lot Of It!)


When your body is dehydrated, it signals your skin to produce more oil to keep it moisturized. This increases inflammation and worsens acne.

6. Use Makeup Wisely

You may be tempted to cover up your acne and scars with makeup. However, makeup can clog your pores further and aggravate your condition. When using makeup, choose non-comedogenic and non-greasy formulas. Also, avoid heavy foundations and concealers.

Stylecraze Says Use products with a water or alcohol base if you have oily, combination, or acne-prone skin that often breaks out.

7. Avoid Touching The Pimple

Your fingers are home to germs and bacteria that might get transferred to your skin. Hence, do not squeeze, touch, or scratch the pimple.

8. Keep Yourself Sun-Safe

Long-term sun exposure dehydrates your skin and makes it produce more oil, causing blocked pores and breakouts. Carry an umbrella and use sunscreen if you are heading out.

9. Check Your Diet

What you eat reflects on your skin. Hence, be mindful of what you are putting on your plate. A review published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology suggests that certain foods can worsen acne. Foods with a high glycemic index, such as baked goodies, chips, soft drinks, and those made with white flour, can aggravate acne. Dairy products were found to trigger acne breakouts in some cases (7).

10. No Scrubbing

Avoid using face scrubs if you have acne. Avoid cleaning your face with cloth pads or washcloths. Scrubbing already irritated skin causes further inflammation and exacerbates pimples or acne breakouts.

11. Check Your Hair Care Products

Hair care products (shampoos, conditioners, and styling products) contain chemicals and oils that may clog the pores and cause acne and pimples near the hairline, forehead, and neck. This type of acne is often called Acne cosmetica. Use products that are non-comedogenic, oil-free, and non-acnegenic. Also, after using any hair product, wash the scalp well to clear any residue.

12. Reduce Stress

Stress can also cause pimples and acne. Try to cut down your stress levels by doing meditation or any other activity that keeps you happy and stress-free.

Related: 7 Effective Yoga Poses For Depression You Can Do At Home

13. Keep The Facial Accessories Clean

If you use makeup brushes, beauty blenders, facial cleaning brushes, make sure to keep them clean. Using unclean accessories that contain germs may cause pimples and acne. Hence, wash them thoroughly after every use.

Along with controlling your lifestyle habits, you also need to apply topical medications for acne. You may get over-the-counter medicines, ointments, and serums, or the doctor may prescribe medicines, depending on the nature and severity of your condition. Let’s take a look at the potential treatments for pimples or acne.

Alternative Treatments To Stop Pimples And Acne

  • Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is a very common ingredient in acne/pimple treatment creams (8). Usually, you will find creams containing 2.5%, 5%, or 10% benzoyl peroxide. Mild acne may require a low percentage of the ointment, while severe acne might need a higher percentage of benzoyl peroxide. Consult your doctor before making your purchase because the wrong percentage of the cream can make your skin dry and worsen your condition.

  • Salicylic Acid

Compared to benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid is a safer treatment option for acne. It treats the condition without damaging your skin. It has keratolytic properties that dissolve the keratin and exfoliates the lesion (acne or a pimple), thus calming the inflammation (9).

  • Sulfur

This antibacterial agent has been used for treating acne since the time of the ancient Egyptians. It dries or shrinks the pimple, thus reducing the inflammation. Sulfur doesn’t dehydrate your skin and is milder than benzoyl peroxide (10).

  • Tretinoin

This is a type of trans-retinoic acid that is used for treating acne during its initial stages. It has comedolytic properties, which means it unclogs your pores, boosts the growth of new cells, and ensures smooth flow of sebum (11).

  • Azelaic Acid

Azelaic acid has anti-inflammatory properties and is used for treating moderate acne. The effect of 20% azelaic acid was studied for acne treatment, and it was found that it was as effective as tretinoin cream in treating acne (12).

  • Laser Treatment

Laser treatment is often used for treating moderate to severe acne and is considered a safe and effective method. This is a low or no-risk treatment option that uses light beams for clearing acne. However, it is not a stand-alone treatment. You have to use medicines along with the treatment procedure for complete clearance (13).

  • Chemical Peeling

When done under the supervision of a professional, chemical peeling works like magic for skin brightening and treating acne and hyperpigmentation. It helps in reducing acne scars and other skin issues. The procedure may cause mild discomfort and irritation that can be managed easily (14).

  • Microdermabrasion

This process involves gentle exfoliation of the affected area using handheld devices with diamond-studded tips for abrasing the skin and vacuum suction for removing it. This topical peeling procedure is widely popular and is safe and effective for treating mild to severe acne (15).

If you have mild pimples or acne, you can also try home remedies for treating it.

How To Prevent Pimples Using Home Remedies

Ingredient How It Helps
Tea Tree Oil It has antibacterial properties that help prevent acne and pimples. Click here to learn more.
Honey It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help in reducing inflammation. Click here to learn more.
Aloe Vera Apart from having antibacterial properties, it also helps in calming your skin. Click here to learn more.
Ice Cube Rubbing an ice cube on the pimple reduces inflammation. For more details, click here.
Toothpaste You can use toothepaste for treating acne and pimples. To learn how, click here.
Aspirin Aspirin is not just used for relieving pain but also for managing acne. To learn how, click here.

Identifying the factors that lead to acne formation and taking precautions beforehand is the best way to prevent acne and pimples. The lifestyle and skin care tips shared in the article can help you care for your skin properly and minimize the risk of breakouts. However, if your breakouts are due to underlying issues, it is best to consult a doctor, use prescribed medications, and follow their suggestions. You may not get rid of acne or pimples overnight. Have patience, allow your skin to heal, and stick to the treatment plan to see the results.

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